Diverse Course Offerings
Prosser offers 26 different exciting Career and Technical programs.
Prosser continually adds new CTE programs and transforms others to ensure Prosser programs are current and relevant for today’s careers.
Nearly all of Prosser programs are designated by the State of Indiana as “high-wage/high-demand” careers. Check out the Hoosier Hot 50 jobs that are related to Prosser programs. https://www.indianacareerready.com/Indemandjobs
Connecting to Future Success
Prosser students can earn college credits for successfully completing Prosser programs. Last year students earned over 10,457 college credits.
Prosser students earn Indiana state licenses and nationally recognized certifications. There are 46 different certifications offered within Prosser programs. Last year, students earned over 1,200 of these valuable credentials.
Exceptional Academic Quality
Prosser’s graduation of 96.35% far exceeds the state graduation rate of 88.6%.
Prosser students are some of the best and brightest students in Southern Indiana. Each year approximately 200 Prosser students earn the Technical Honors and/or Academic Honors Diploma.
Prosser teachers are incredibly knowledgeable and highly skilled. Each teacher has years of actual industry experience within the career field being taught.
Real World Applied Learning
Prosser continuously updates equipment to insure that students are trained on the most current technology available. No other high school career center is better equipped than Prosser.
Prosser students participate in multiple work-based learning activities such as job shadowing, externships, co-ops and mock interviews. These programs provide valuable experiential learning.
All Prosser programs strive to provide real world learning experiences within the curriculum. The majority of Prosser programs actually operate as a place of business. Prosser students regularly participate in activities such as building houses, flying airplanes, driving bulldozers, interning in hospitals, and designing websites; it all happens at Prosser and more.